Trowbridge Driving Test Centre

Trowbridge Driving Test Centre is located at:
Longfield Community Centre
Weavers Drive
BA14 7DZ
Trowbridge is a good place to take your driving test, the roads can be busy and apart from the odd roundabout its all pretty straight forward. We have chosen a few of the more trickier locations to talk about below.

Longfield Roundabout
Longfield roundabout is located near the test centre so the chances are you will come across it at some point in your test. Its a mulitilane roundabout with a mixture of Giveway and Traffic Light controlled junctions.

Longfield Roundabout approaching from County Way to 5th Exit
If yout traveling down County Way from Bradley Road approaching the roundabout and heading towards the test centre fifth exit then you will want the right hand lane marked A361 on the approach.
Once on the roundabout keep in the right hand lane until the third set of traffic lights, after the third set of traffic lights the lane splits into three lanes and you will want the central lane shown below in the middle photo.
As the road splits off for the fourth exit, make sure you check your mirrors and right indicator and follow the road around to the next set of lights in the left hand lane ready to exit the roundabout at the fifth exit.

Longfield Roundabout approaching from Mortimer Street to 4th Exit
If approaching the roundabout from Mortimer Street you will see the signage isnt great and often hidden behind overgrown hedges. If your asked to take the fourth exit then you will want the right hand lane on the approach. This is a Giveway junction so not Traffic light controlled.
Once on the roundabout keep to the right hand lane marked below in the first picture, stay in the right hand lane until the second set of traffic lights. After the second set of traffic lights the lane splits into 3 lanes and you will want the central lane shown below in the second photo.
As the road splits off for the fourth exit, make sure you check your mirrors and right indicator and follow the road around to the next set of lights in the left hand lane ready to exit the roundabout at the fifth exit.

Longfield Roundabout approaching from Bythesea Road to 3rd Exit
If approaching the roundabout from Bythesea Road and your asked to take the third exit then you will want the right hand lane on the approach. This is a Traffic light controlled junction.
Once on the roundabout keep to the right hand lane marked below in the first picture. After the second set of traffic lights the lane splits into 3 lanes and you will want the central lane shown below in the second photo.
As the road splits off for the second exit, make sure you check your mirrors and right indicator and follow the road around to the next set of lights in the left hand lane ready to exit the roundabout at the third exit.

Longfield Roundabout approaching from Brown Street to 3rd Exit
If approaching the roundabout from Brown Street and your asked to take the third exit then you will want to get over to the third lane on the roundabout followed by the middle lane as it splits, as seen in the picture to the right. This is a Giveway junction.
At the first set of traffic lights you should be in the middle lane as the first picture below shows.Stay in the middle lane and follwo this around past the next set of traffic lights and exit the roundabout at the third exit.
Just after the second set of traffic lights there is a keep clear area marked out on the floor, make sure you keep this clear if there is heavy traffic trying to exit the roundabout.

Longfield Roundabout approaching from Brown Street to 5th Exit
If approaching the roundabout from Brown Street (This is a Giveway junction) and your asked to take the fifth exit then you will want to get over to the third lane on the roundabout and stay in the right hand lane as seen in first the picture below.
After the second set of traffic lights the road splits into two lanes, you now want to keep to the left lane as seen below in picture two.
After the third set of traffic lights keep to the left lane and follow off at exit five.

Holy Trinity Roundabout approaching from Stallard St
If approaching the roundabout from Stallard Street and taking the first exit, simply stay in the left lane on the approach and mirror signal left.
If approaching the roundabout from Stallard Street and taking the second exit, stay in the left lane on the approach and after passing the first exit mirror and signal left.
If approaching the roundabout from Stallard Street and taking the third exit, stay in the left lane on the approach and after passing the second exit mirror and signal left.

If approaching the roundabout from Stallard Street and taking the fourth exit to the train station, on the approach you will want the right hand lane, stay in the right lane on the roundabout marked BOX, after the third exit the road splits into two lanes, you need to get into the left hand lane, remember to check your left door mirror and signal left at this point, be aware of cars entering the roundabout here from Bradford Road.
This also the same process if you are taking exit five.